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I reviewed a set of data regarding the Fulgaz riders showing who filmed the rides and collated the data into various tables. My interest was sparked by an ongoing mini project that I am undertaking where I try and ride all the Alexis Berthillier Californian rides.

I started wondering who had filmed the most elevation and the most rides. I thought that would be Hans Peter Obwaller and Alexis Berthillier respectively. Close but no cigar.

Below I show a list of the top 20 filmers by ride count. I have left the Ironman rides in but they were filmed mostly from a motor vehicle and by a variety of people.

Peter Kettle is top of the individual list with most of his rides filmed in England with a good subset from Scotland. Second place is a funny one as I have never really noticed his name on rides very much but there is a name missing who filmed pretty much the same number of rides. I do not know the explanation so I will not speculate.

Mike Clucas filmed a lot of rides, mostly in the early days and apart from Australia there are rides from England and USA – notably the San Francisco Waterfront ride. Out of the rest of the top 20 most are still contributing regularly and sometimes prolifically.

Moving onto distance (and I have worked in the metric system for both elevation and distance) then discounting Ironman rides we see pretty much the same set of people.

Finally we see Hans Peter Obweller at the top of the elevation list with an impressive 74720 metres of climbing

So, to answer my own query, in the Obweller – Berthillier mini-challenge Hans is the clear leader with 74720 v 37458 metres climbed from 84 rides v 50 rides.

This data is from a point in time (end of January) and changes each week as new rides are added and events such as the Grand Tour add new titles (but the same ride) to the list.

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