I have mentioned before that I really like the challenges set up by Graham Love on the Virtual Brevet website.

There is a good variety, although they all involve serious distances and are to be done virtually. A quick look at the page gives an indication of the type of rides available. Specific routes are available in both Rouvy and Kinomap (and also Big Ring VR as I understand it). However many of the distance challenges can be undertaken in Fulgaz as well as the platforms mentioned above.

The vEverest link is quite interesting because it provides a number of options, not just the 8849 (one metre extra to be certain) metres in one go. All of them bar the full distance in one go sound interesting.

That also fits in with my ongoing battle to ride elevation on Fulgaz rides. I am currently 4th on Whats on Fulgaz but moving into 3rd looks to be an impossible task and I am not sure how the top 2 riders manage to ride that much elevation. I sometimes think they must be Fulgaz test bots. I did notice that 3rd spot climbed 18,000 metres in the 2 days that I took to write this blog !!!

Anyway, back to the North Italy Tour – see map below

1200 Km, 46 rides – I did all rides in Rouvy, some in one ride, others using the ‘resume ride’. I didn’t see many others on the course. Total elevation 16577 metres. Longest ride 50.8 Km. Most elevation in one ride 1164 metres. Longest downhill (Val Taleggio) 23 Km

A lot of praise must go to the contributor of all the rides Roberto Rini. He filmed them whilst riding his bike (which is unusual for Rouvy rides) and they are the highest quality. What I like best is that he has captions when coming into villages or passing a landmark or special building such as a monastery, which often provide some information

He films many rides and also videos from his kayak. I cannot thank him enough for posting these routes and combining them into a wonderful tour.

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