I came across an app for my phone (Android) and Ipad (IOS) which is quite interesting

All the information of your favourite climbs, hils or cols worldwide in one free and fancy app.

It reads the Strava ride and matches segment to its known climbs. However it also provides some nice history or information on many of the well known climbs. It only requires a standard Strava subscription, not a Premium one.

It took a while to scan about 8 years of Strava rides but now after each ride it updates the app with any new or re-ridden rides showing date and time and a link to the Strava file.

It has a large numbers of climbs alreday loaded in and all the major ones as you would expect. It does offer the ability to add climbs and update entries with more information but I think you need to pay an annual fee of £8.95 for that. However the free functionality is perfectly good.

It does offer virtual jerseys if you do a set of climbs together and a bucket list/favourites option

You can search for friends from the profile tab – use the icon in the top left hand corner

All in all this is a useful free app which is great for idling away spare time

Please subscribe using the ‘Follow’ link on the home page (bottom R/H corner)

Follow me on Strava https://www.strava.com/athletes/1621968 and John Hallas on the mycols application

Comments and input welcome